Ocasio Approval

New York Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday shared a tweet blaming her low favorability numbers in a newly released poll on bigotry and Fox News.

A Siena College poll of New York State voters found that Ocasio-Cortez's favorability is underwater, with 31 percent viewing her favorably and 44 percent viewing her unfavorably. Those results mirror national polling from Gallup and Fox News, which found that Ocasio-Cortez has a net approval rating of -10 and -13 points, respectively.

Ocasio-Cortez notably struggles even with some members of her own party, with 30 percent of New York Democrats viewing her unfavorably. Siena also found that voters are not happy with Ocasio-Cortez's opposition to the New York City-Amazon deal, which two-thirds of New Yorkers supported, according to the poll.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the 11th most popular Democrat and the 13th most famous. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is described by fans as: Intelligent, Charismatic, Up-and-coming, Likeable and Exciting. What America thinks of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Ratings 39% Positive opinion. 2 days ago  Ocasio-Cortez said she and others members 'still don't yet feel safe around other members of Congress.'. AstraZeneca Plc will file for Japanese approval of its vaccine as early as mid-February, the Yomiuri newspaper reported. Americans' Views on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Trends) Next, we'd like to get your overall opinion of some people in the news. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person - or if you have never heard of them. About 31 percent of the American adults polled view Ocasio-Cortez favorably, up from 24 percent in September, after her stunning primary victory over former Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) but before she. German vaccine regulator expects unrestricted EU approval of AstraZeneca's shot. Political archenemies Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz found common ground in lashing the firm’s.

'More people think that Amazon, Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, the State Senate, and local Queens activists were villains in this saga than they were heroes,' wrote pollster Steven Greenberg. 'However, voters say the biggest villain was Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Only 12 percent call her hero, while 38 percent label her a villain.'

The results garneredsignificantattention from reporters and media outlets, leading one Ocasio-Cortez fan to say, 'It's interesting to see centrists suddenly downplay or ignore the effects of racism, sexism and Fox News targeting when discussing [her] overall approval ratings.'

It's interesting to see centrists suddenly downplay or ignore the effects of racism, sexism and Fox News targeting when discussing @AOC‘s overall approval ratings.

— David Atkins #11Justices (@DavidOAtkins) March 18, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez shared the tweet, and complained, 'When ‘centrists' care more about the GOP base than the Dem base, bigotry gets legitimized.'

When 'centrists' care more about the GOP base than the Dem base, bigotry gets legitimized.

This is *the* playbook. GOP does it w/ virtually every Dem figure who isn’t a white male: otherize, demonize + splinter.

It’s vital that we adapt & dismantle this approach, not cow to it. https://t.co/dKlzflqZVn

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 18, 2019

We can’t gloss over it, or quietly consider that the 'shrewd' thing to do is nominate someone who won’t be subject to bigoted attacks.

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Morally, we can’t give a pass to this dangerous tactic.

But even politically, the Dem base is all the people you demoralize by not standing up.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 18, 2019

This is different than being moderate on policy. I may disagree w/ approach (keeping the ACA as-is w/small tweaks, etc), but at least that’s a policy convo.

But to make decisions based on the political efficacy of a bigoted argument gives that bigotry power, & that’s a problem.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 18, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez had previously blamed white men and Fox News for her poor showing in the Gallup poll in a pair of tweets on Saturday.

If you want to know what subconscious bias looks like, it’s a headline saying 'AOC is underwater with every group EXCEPT women, nonwhites, and 18-34 year olds.'

Ocasio Cortez Approval Rating New York

So older, conservative white men are considered 'everyone' and everyone else is discounted as an exception.


Cool 👍🏽 https://t.co/qkwTknMYhC

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 16, 2019

The reason people know more is bc Fox News has turned into 'AOC TMZ' (no offense to TMZ), so awareness is growing w/ GOPers.@JaneMayerNYer has reported deeply on this propaganda machine + it will be aimed at any Dem they want. Nothing changes that.

We can’t be scared by that.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 16, 2019

A new poll from inside socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) 14th congressional district has found that among registered voters, the far-left congresswoman is deeply unpopular.

The door-to-door poll from Stop The AOC PAC yielded the following key results:

Ocasio Approval Rating

  • They don’t like her. She has a more than 2:1 ratio of unfavorable (50.88%) to favorable (21.37%) in public opinion.
  • They don’t trust her. Only 10.75% thought she had their best interests in mind in quashing the Amazon deal – 32.60% said she didn’t.
  • They don’t want her. 33.44% are ready to vote against her, and only 13.30% would vote for her.

Ocasio Cortez Approval Rating Today


The poll also found that a plurality of Ocasio-Cortez’s district did not agree with her decision to sabotage the Amazon deal, which would have brought tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity to her district.

The final analysis from the poll stated:

Ocasio Approval Rating

Facing an electorate more concerned with results than retweets, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has problems in her backyard. Despite her online notoriety and fandom in the national new progressive movement, the citizens of New York District 14 want a representative aligned with their values.

After surveying voters in 2,261 homes in the district, it’s clear Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is not the model for hope and change she sold herself to be. The opportunity for a new voice is prevalent, and the electorate is ready to take action in 2020.

The results from the Stop The AOC PAC poll are just the latest devastating numbers Ocasio-Cortez has had to face over her job performance. In March, Vox reported:

A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday morning found that 23 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the member of Congress, while 36 percent had an unfavorable view — a -13 overall approval rating …

This new poll isn’t a one-off finding. Three prior surveys — one in January from Morning Consult, one in February from Fox, and a third in mid-March from Gallup — all found that more Americans had negative views of AOC than had positive ones.

Alexandria Ocasio Approval

In March, The Daily Wire also reported: “The findings of the Siena College poll of New Yorkers taken between March 10-14 prompted Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg to say, ‘Only 12 percent call her hero, while 38 percent label her a villain.'”